Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Picture This Photography by Nicole Andrea 2012 Holiday Specials

YOU asked, I listened!!! :-D

Holiday package prices are only valid until December 15th so book early to get your preferred date.


Halloween Around the Neighborhood

I love walking around my neighborhood during the holidays.  I love the decorations the everyone puts up.  You'd be surprised how creative people can be.

For your enjoyment, here is Halloween in Carleton Falls!

I didn't dress up or trick or treat as a kid.  My mom didn't believe in it, so now I live vicariously through my children.  Here's a picture of my kids before Trick or Treating.  Bonus for you guys!!! 
Meet Dora the Explorer and the Blue Power Ranger!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


So, my new business cards have arrived!  I've been working really hard on my branding and I am by no means an authority on it, but I'm giving it a go. I was looking for something high quality, but not terribly expensive and really wanted the ability to put my own design into it.

Special thanks to the folks at for their awesome designs and GREAT...did I mention, GREAT?, deals!

Whaddya think?

Photos: Daniel Bammes

Friday, July 20, 2012

Is This What It Feels Like?

A few months ago when I decided to pursue photography completely full time, I was initially terrified with a capital T (I hid it well though).  As I sit at my desk all day and all evening, until 230am most nights, I still wonder to myself..."Is this really worth it?"  "Am I doing the right thing?" "Am I READY?" This is all very scary stuff.

Starting a business is hard...damn hard.  And I'm not even referring to the actual creative aspect.  It's everything else: the advertising, the marketing, the legality of a business, making the switch from satisfying the pallets of yourself, friends and family to being confident enough to exceed the expectation of your clients, people who have no idea who Nicole Andrea is..  Everyone that knows me, knows I am my harshest critic and I agonize over every detail, especially on work done for someone else.

The one thing that quiets my storm of emotion and fear in all this is...get ready...I'M HAPPY!!! :-D I am 100% happy doing something I absolutely love.  This is the stuff people with 9-5's long for...happiness in what they do everyday.  I get up early and stay up late and am tired, just as if I was working a standard J-O-B, but the difference is I truly enjoy what I spend my day doing.  The people who contact me, see my work and they like it.  They really like it!  I am surprised how at peace I am with this new endeavor in my life, but this is the stuff dreams are made of. 

THIS is what happiness feels like!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Guess Who Turned 5?!?

That's right! You guessed it! Aidan turned 5 years old.

For those of you who don't already know him, meet Aidan.  Adorable, well mannered, rambunctious and oh, so inquisitive.  He's fun loving, helpful, caring and loves to act like he's in charge.

His party was at the local movie theater with 10 of his favorite friends.  They had hotdogs and cupcakes and went to see Madagascar 3 in 3D.  He had a great time.

There's something about turning 5 that seemed to flip a switch in this child and automatically made him act more mature.   He looks out for his little sister like a big brother should.  Some days I am really amazed at how grown up he is, at just 5 years old. Despite the days where he's not on his best, or even good behavior, it's obvious he is really turning into a little young man.  

Without further or due, heeeeeere's Aidan!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Home with The House's

Last weekend, I had the pleasure to photograph two very important people in my life, my Mom, Maureen and my Stepdad, Greg.  The shoot was impromptu...just around the house and in the backyard.  Even the dogs got in on the action.

These two are silly, fun loving and obviously STILL in love. 

Look Mom, my magic brush worked!

For more pictures from the shoot, head on over to my Facebook page, or my website,

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Happy Anniversary Stacy and Elias!!!

I am dedicating today's blog to my wonderful cousin, Stacy, and her extraordinary husband, Elias.  Today they celebrate 2 wonderful years of marriage and I am so proud of them.

Stacy, is a native New Yorker (woop woop) and a fellow Seinfeld lover.  Elias, is from Miami, Florida, is a Heat Fan (congrats cuz) and a fellow tech geek.  Stacy and I had an ongoing battle about who made it to visit our family in Florida most often for years.  Little did I know she would marry and move there! Ghaaa! Well played Stace...well played.

These two are truly great people who exude their love for each other AND God.  HE has brought you two together from halfway across the East Coast and I wish you soooo many more blessed years to come.

Here is a peek at their special day.  Congrats to my sister at heart and brother in love!

First kiss as HUSBAND and WIFE!

First Dance...

Happy 2nd Anniversary Stace and Elias!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Ezekia's 2nd Birthday Party

I had the opportunity to shoot a children's birthday party that was not for my own children, last Memorial Day weekend.  :)  Ezekia turned the big 2!!!  

Ezekia, her sisters and family are so much fun.   Watching the kids run around blasting each other with water guns made me want to join in.

It was a blast.  Take a look...


Pin the tail on the donkey

Ezekia and Mommy

You gon' learn today...


BUBBLE GUPPIES!!! Every parent of young children knows exactly who they are.

Time to blow out your candle...

Tribute to Ezekia.  Happy Birthday Eze!

For more pictures from the shoot head on over to my Facebook page,

Monday, April 16, 2012

Easter Pics 2012

Typically, I would take Aidan and Amani-Rose to a photo studio for their Easter pictures, but decided to have a go at it on my own.  After all, it's not like I'm an amateur ;)

I took them to Newport News Park and allowed them to just be kids.  Exploring. running, jumping, fighting and crying were all on their agenda.  Aidan picked the spots where he wanted to take his pictures.  Amani-Rose spent her time begging for french fries, which I cleverly used to get her to behave.

Overall, the shoot went very well.  I got to take advantage of the beautiful scenery and excellent lighting.  The flowering trees were in bloom and we all had fun.

For more pictures from the shoot head on over to my Facebook page,  

Friday, April 6, 2012

About Me

Wherever I go, I have a camera in hand (or in my purse, at the very least)...always ready to capture memories at a moments notice.  I truly believe that memories are those things that if we're lucky, we can hold on to for the rest of our lives. What better way to capture that memory than with a beautiful photograph?

I love photography!  I love the ability it gives to tell a story without saying a word.  I prefer candid images as they show the subject in its most natural form, but can also see the beauty in a well posed shot.  I enjoy working with angles and making photos fun!

My own family is where I get the most experience.  I easily have tens of thousands of pictures of them.  I am not afraid to dare to try something new.  It's all a part of the learning process.  I've photographed weddings and parties.  I'll take pictures of anything that grabs my interest or has the potential to be a beautiful shot, whether I'm walking down the street or riding in a car.  There are some shots you just have to get!

I am a New York native, Brooklyn to be exact and I absolutely love city life.  I love to shop, cook, bake, scrapbook and craft.  I am a tech geek (self-proclaimed and proud) and can often be found on a blog looking for the next new device.  I love watching TV: Seinfeld is my all time favorite show to watch.  I can pretty much recite lines from any episode.  I'm veeeery silly and love to laugh.

Now that you know a little about me, I hope you enjoy the blog.  Feel free to comment or email me with any comments or questions you may have.  I believe wholeheartedly in constructive criticism (or praise should you feel so inclined). :) 

Yours Truly,

Nicole Andrea