Monday, April 16, 2012

Easter Pics 2012

Typically, I would take Aidan and Amani-Rose to a photo studio for their Easter pictures, but decided to have a go at it on my own.  After all, it's not like I'm an amateur ;)

I took them to Newport News Park and allowed them to just be kids.  Exploring. running, jumping, fighting and crying were all on their agenda.  Aidan picked the spots where he wanted to take his pictures.  Amani-Rose spent her time begging for french fries, which I cleverly used to get her to behave.

Overall, the shoot went very well.  I got to take advantage of the beautiful scenery and excellent lighting.  The flowering trees were in bloom and we all had fun.

For more pictures from the shoot head on over to my Facebook page,  

Friday, April 6, 2012

About Me

Wherever I go, I have a camera in hand (or in my purse, at the very least)...always ready to capture memories at a moments notice.  I truly believe that memories are those things that if we're lucky, we can hold on to for the rest of our lives. What better way to capture that memory than with a beautiful photograph?

I love photography!  I love the ability it gives to tell a story without saying a word.  I prefer candid images as they show the subject in its most natural form, but can also see the beauty in a well posed shot.  I enjoy working with angles and making photos fun!

My own family is where I get the most experience.  I easily have tens of thousands of pictures of them.  I am not afraid to dare to try something new.  It's all a part of the learning process.  I've photographed weddings and parties.  I'll take pictures of anything that grabs my interest or has the potential to be a beautiful shot, whether I'm walking down the street or riding in a car.  There are some shots you just have to get!

I am a New York native, Brooklyn to be exact and I absolutely love city life.  I love to shop, cook, bake, scrapbook and craft.  I am a tech geek (self-proclaimed and proud) and can often be found on a blog looking for the next new device.  I love watching TV: Seinfeld is my all time favorite show to watch.  I can pretty much recite lines from any episode.  I'm veeeery silly and love to laugh.

Now that you know a little about me, I hope you enjoy the blog.  Feel free to comment or email me with any comments or questions you may have.  I believe wholeheartedly in constructive criticism (or praise should you feel so inclined). :) 

Yours Truly,

Nicole Andrea